no corn for me

Recipes for kids with corn allergies and their parents

Childhood anxiety or food allergy?

These are my three kids….aren’t they cute?! The one in the middle is Julia. She is sweet, kind, smart, funny and allergic to corn. Julia cried a lot as a baby. We thought she had colic. At three years old, she threw terrible tantrums day and night. We thought it was a stage. At four, she cried every morning when getting dropped off to school. We thought she was shy. Finally, at seven she started having fits at bedtime, in the middle of the night, before school and while doing homework.  We finally had Julia tested for food allergies. She is severely allergic to corn. Once we changed her diet, all the anxiety behaviors ended.

It’s taken us months to completely eliminate corn from her diet but we have. Julia is extremely sensitive. A teaspoon of corn can cause her to have a reaction for the next 24 hours. I want this blog to be a safe place for you to find recipes for kid that are corn free, non processed and delicious. Enjoy!!

22 responses to “Childhood anxiety or food allergy?

  1. Rosina says:

    Love your blog! Your kids are adorable too! Can’t wait to try out your recipes!

  2. HBS says:

    This blog is awesome! You are a great mom!!

  3. Cheryl says:

    My 3 1/2 year old daughterhas had erratic behavior since she was born.She had extreme mood swings, screaming tantrums that would go on for hours until she cries herself to sleep, inability to reason, screams until her blood vessels break in her face, kick and scream and roll around on the floor so finally had her tested 6 mths ago and she has a corn and potato allergy plus lactose intolerance. It is really hard to find foods without this stuff. The corn is the worst because she has the tantrums with them. Any recipes would be greatly appreciated.

    • nocornforme says:

      My heart breaks for you and your daughter. I can completely empathize. We finally figured out what was causing this behavior in Julia about a year ago. Having her diet under control has been such a blessing but even with reading every label, buying only organic, having her medicines compounded etc., I still make mistakes all the time. It’so frustrating!!! The good news is, once you have the diet under control, it’s easy to pinpoint the problem products. Anyway, I hope you enjoy these corn free recipes and I hope you’re daughter finds some peace.

  4. Teresa says:

    Thanks for following my blog. I hope you enjoy trying out some of the recipes. I’m currently on a vegan, grain free, sugar/sweetener free diet so I have quite a few recipes (mostly soups) that I’ve posted recently that your daughter would be able to eat. I think it’s amazing that you were finally able to conclude that corn was the root of all of your daughter’s behaviors. I’ve heard reactions like that from sugar and dyes and preservatives, even MSG, just not corn. Even though it is difficult eliminating certain foods from our diets, I’m sure you’re thrilled to finally determine what caused all the problems. I know I would have been. Anyway, thanks again for following my blog.

  5. nocornforme says:

    Thanks so much for taking the time to write. I’m looking forward to trying some of your recipes this week!

  6. kristyreal says:

    I love your blog and recipes. I’m bookmarking it so I can include it in my “recipe search” links. Keep up the good work!

  7. Teresa says:

    I’ve recently switched my food blog over to be self-hosted which I hope will make it more user-friendly in the future. As a result, if you were following Can’t Stay Out of the Kitchen via email, WordPress, or using RSS feeds through Google Reader or some other way, you are no longer subscribed. If you wish to continue receiving future posts from my blog you will need to re-subscribe. Sorry for the inconvenience, Teresa.

  8. Irene Lopez says:

    I’m 45 just discovering im allergic to corn. I was told I cried a lot as a baby, always had colic. I’ve suffered from anxiety and OCD. Just discovering the food allergy connection. Thanks for your blog.

  9. Irene Lopez says:

    P.S. I was fed canned milk with karo syrup as an infant, my mother couldn’t breast feed. Little did they know recipie

  10. Heather says:

    Love your blog! My three month old has a corn allergy. He is extremely sensitive…..even shampoo, baby wash, wipes, etc. I read your post about sulfites and I was wondering….do you think some sulfites could be corn derived? I am new to this so I am just grasping at straws…..

    • nocornforme says:

      So sorry, I thought I responded to this already! I find the relationship between the corn allergy and sulfites interesting. They are both preservatives and both are very common. Julia reacts to all vinegars including Braggs which I believe is corn free so I don’t think that it’s the corn in the sulfite products but who knows. As I’m sure you’ve discovered, corn is in everything! People with corn allergies also seem to be more sensitive than others to all chemicals. If this allergy weren’t so maddening, it would be fun to figure all of these mysteries out:)

  11. Melody says:

    I am gluten free with celiac and need to be corn free now. I have a 3 yr old g free boy but find it impossible to keep him away from corn

  12. Is this an active blog?
    Does anyone have favorite corn-free cake or cookie recipes, and especially icing or frosting recipes toward which to point me?

    • nocornforme says:

      Hi Geraldine,
      This is an active blog although I’ve been terrible about posting new recipes lately. It’s baseball/softball season which seams to have taken over our lives:) I normally just google “basic white cake” when I’m making a birthday cake. I don’t have a favorite recipe. Just make sure to use your own homemade vanilla, featherweight baking powder, safe flour and safe organic butter. I use this recipe for frosting: again, use your own vanilla. To make your own confectioners sugar, put regular sugar in the blender and blend until it’s powdered. Good luck!!

  13. LISA says:

    My 2 year old granddaughter was just diagnosed with allergies to corn and eggs. Need as much help as we can get!!!

  14. I love the recipes here! My five year old has allergies to wheat, corn, soy, tomatoes, chickpeas and salmon….anyone have any Corn free vitamins for kids? Everything has citric acid or something else with corn….If he could/would swallow pills it would be a different story but that is not happening 😦 Thank you!!

  15. jessica says:

    I noticed a lot of recipes with baking powder, do you have a corn-free baking powder that you recommend and is easy to find?

  16. Katie says:

    Thank you for the wonderful recipes. My son has a bad corn allergy and was mis diagnosed with several mental disorders and institutionalized. I cannot believe the impact the corn allergy had on his behavior. He is doing remarkably well now. I found a few shortcuts to share: corn free baking powder on Amazon and Frenchs ketchup on Amazon is now corn free.

  17. Zhane says:

    Hi Julia my daughter is severely allergic to corn as well… what type of toothpaste do you use for Julia that is corn free? And also what type of skin moisturizer and hair soap do you use I’m having a very hard time coming up with solutions!! Also is there a butter you use for her if so what brand please help

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